Do you want to make your engagement stand out and remain relevant in your later years? Your children and grandchildren should have a chance to read about your love and how it began, and you can capture the whole journey through an engagement card. You can opt for a short story, great visuals, and create an engaging video. If you can not create a stylish engagement announcement by yourself, you can contact an online engagement announcements creator like Mixbook. They will understand your needs and offer tools that make your engagement outstanding. Here are tips for engagement announcements you could use to create your engagement.
Tell a Story
A card tells a story of your love, and it becomes a walk through your love life. The story might include where you met, the first date, and any significant events you have had as a couple. You may use engagement slide templates on the website to craft a story. However, the engagement should be the focal point of the story, and you can make the engagement photos stand out from the story.
Share the Big Moment within the Story
The engagement should be the focal point for the story, and you can incorporate a text such as ‘we are engaged.’ This text should stand out from the other texts. The story can have pictures of the engagement day showing how the groom (or bride) pops the question and should also show the reaction from the significant other.
Make the Engagement Card a Wedding Announcement
Although you will be telling your love story, you can use your engagement photo to announce the wedding day. You can use multiple pages on the card, which tells the story on the last page; you can tell your loved ones to save the wedding date.
Use a Look That Matches Your Personalities
You may mix and match the styles, colors, and fonts to meet your personality, which is unique. Some exciting transitions in fonts and styles, and colors will make your card fun and playful.
Incorporate a Video
Although the engagement card will only contain photos when announcing the engagement, over social media platforms, you can incorporate a video with your engagement card. You would choose the best music which brings out your personality. The engagement music should reflect your personality. You can search by genre, mood, and message to find the most appropriate music to sit well with the occasion. After creating the card, you can share it via social media platforms; finally, you will need to send the message. You can quickly post the engagement on Instagram and Facebook or send it via emails to selected family members.
Final Thoughts
An engagement is one of the life milestones you should celebrate with your family, and you can opt to tell your love story. You may indicate details such as where you met, your first date, and your wedding date, but the engagement announcement should be the story’s focal point. Although a card will contain still images, you can opt for an online announcement that incorporates videos. You can share it on Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms and ensure you incorporate fun music, themes, and colors to make it fun and playful. Good luck creating your engagement announcement.