
Doctor’s Diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction

A doctor’s diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) may involve a series of laboratory tests. These include blood counts, urine tests, cholesterol levels, measurements of creatinine and liver enzymes, and a penile ultrasound, which measures the blood flow in the penis. Your doctor may also conduct a psychosocial examination and ask about your sex life and health history. Lifestyle changes may also be recommended, such as cutting back on alcohol, quitting smoking, or increasing physical activity.

Premature ejaculation occurs before vaginal penetration and may lead to negative personal consequences. A doctor’s diagnosis of erectile dysfunction may involve two types of disease: acquired and lifelong. Acquired premature ejaculation, which occurs after successful sexual intercourse, is the result of psychological stress. Psychogenic ED is characterized by increased sensitivity to pressure and anxiety in a relationship.

An anthropological study conducted by a group of urologists identified common treatments for ED as being based on assumptions of institutionalized social norms and biomedical institutions, which encourage the public to pursue prolonged sexual function and avoid age-related aging. The anthropologists argued that such a biomedical focus on ED is contrary to traditional and indigenous notions of health and aging. They argue that western biomedicine can become blind to the proper functions of the human body.

ED treatment options vary widely, from lifestyle modifications to the use of prescription medications. In most cases, treatment with oral medications or injections may be sufficient. Some men may be reluctant to consult a medical professional and seek treatment, however, in many cases they are able to overcome the problem by making changes in their lifestyle. A relationship counseling session can be beneficial, as can seeking professional help if necessary. In the event that a doctor’s diagnosis such as from a local ED clinic in St. Louis is ruled out, you may try one or more of the alternative treatments.

Various medical conditions can cause erectile dysfunction, including diabetes and cigarette smoking. Diabetes affects 10.9 million adult men, and 35 to 50 percent of them are impotent. The disease affects the nerves controlling erections. Other causes of erectile dysfunction include depression, which has a strong association with the problem. Before beginning treatment, it is crucial to rule out any medical condition causing your erectile dysfunction.

Regardless of the underlying cause of ED, most men can benefit from sex therapy. While sex therapy does not cure ED, it can help the man and his partner to accept the problem. If psychological factors are clearly the cause of the condition, sex therapy counseling should be considered before any invasive treatments. In some cases, low levels of a hormone called testosterone may contribute to ED, so hormone replacement therapy may be an option.

If other treatments fail to give you a firm erection, surgery may be the only option. If penile implants have not been effective, surgical placement of a semi-rigid rod or a penile implant may be the next step. While a penile implant has a high success rate, complications can occur due to infection. Nevertheless, this is a good option if the other treatments have failed.

There are many causes of erectile dysfunction, including blood pressure medicine, diabetes, and various neurological disorders. Some of these conditions damage the nerves that send impulses from the brain to the penis. Other causes of erectile dysfunction include psychological conditions, such as stress or trauma. In some cases, erectile dysfunction may also be the result of a disease or procedure, such as prostate or bladder cancer operations.

ED can affect any man at any age. Age and vascular disease can cause ED, as can treatments for prostate and diabetes. In addition, some drugs can cause ED. Here are some of the most common causes. Using a 5-question questionnaire can help determine if your symptoms are related to vascular disease. You can also consult a physician for treatment if you suspect you might have a medical condition.

Premature ejaculation is an affliction in which a man ejaculates prior to vaginal penetration. Premature ejaculation has personal and social consequences, including reduced intimacy. Premature ejaculation can be lifelong or acquired. Lifelong premature ejaculation is a genetic condition that begins at puberty and continues throughout life. The second type of ED is psychogenic, and occurs after a successful coital relationship. A patient’s history of depression and anxiety can reveal underlying health conditions.

Your doctor may also want to know whether your penis is disproportionately large or small. This can be a sign of problems with the nervous or endocrine system. Alternatively, the abnormal penis could indicate a problem with your blood circulation. In addition, abnormal penis size or shape can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as aneurysm. If you feel your erections are too small, your doctor may suggest a different treatment for you.

Treatment for erectile dysfunction can be successful if you can address the underlying cause. Certain lifestyle changes, medication, and treatment can often help a man overcome erectile dysfunction. Couples may also benefit from counseling for ED. If you or your partner are unhappy with the treatment, consider seeking help. There are many treatments available that can help. Just remember to check with your insurance provider. Many of them will cover the costs of treatment for erectile dysfunction.

A surgical procedure known as penile implants may be needed if other methods fail. Penile implants are inflatable and move a saline solution into the penis. They then deflate the penis when the solution is removed. Semi-rigid rods can also be implanted to give men the ability to bend their penis to achieve an erection. Most men will experience a variety of side effects, including high blood pressure and dizziness. However, with careful dosing and strict guidelines, these procedures have become an extremely effective treatment option for men suffering from erectile dysfunction.