
Choosing The Best E-liquid For Your Taste & Needs

When you have chosen to vape as a tool to help you give up smoking, you will need to ensure you select the best type of vaping device for your needs and a suitable e-liquid that you enjoy. There are many options available with both, and once you have found the ideal vaping device for your needs, you will need to consider what you want from your e-liquid. Below are various factors for you to consider ensuring you make the correct choice, and that vaping is something that you can stick with doing. Enhancing your vaping experience will make it much more enjoyable, so you are less likely to smoke cigarettes again for the benefit of your health and your wallet.

The Correct Type Of E-liquid

When you look at the vape juice that you can buy from and other reputable retailers, each one has a ratio of PG and VG. PG stands for propylene glycol, and VG is vegetable glycerine, and most vaping devices can happily use a vape juice with a 50/50 ratio. However, if you are looking to do some cloud chasing, you will want a vape juice with a higher VG concentration, as it is the VG that makes the clouds of vape smoke. However, you cannot use an e-liquid with a 70/30 ratio suitable for cloud chasing in all devices, and you will need a sub-ohm device to use this correctly.

The Nicotine Strength Of Your Vape Juice

You must also ensure that you select the correct nicotine strength for the vape juice that you use, or you may struggle. If you choose a vape juice that does not have enough nicotine, it will not suppress your urges to smoke, and you will struggle to control your cravings. However, if you select one that is too strong, it will not be an enjoyable experience and can make you feel sick, dizzy, and give you a headache. You can purchase e-liquids with omg of nicotine, and they are available with up to 20mg+, so there are lots of options available to you. If you are a heavy smoker, start with a more potent dose of nicotine, such as 20mg, and then slowly reduce the strength until you have weaned yourself off your nicotine dependency.

The Flavour Of Your Vape Juice

You will also need to think about the flavour of the vape juice you will use, and there are lots of options available. You can split the flavours into six categories, which are as follows:

  • Tobacco Flavours
  • Menthol Flavours
  • Dessert Flavours
  • Candy Flavours
  • Drink Flavours
  • Fruit Flavours

You will need to consider which flavour profile you prefer and try as many e-liquids as you can until you find something you enjoy vaping. You can also combine the different flavours and make something unique that you may enjoy, and you can also make e-liquids at home yourself. You can purchase everything you need online and start creating unique e-liquids you cannot buy in the shop that taste fantastic and enhance your vaping experience.